Sunday, August 22, 2010

Appropriate Quote

"It is far better to succeed with small incremental changes and modest setbacks than to create a grand plan and fail completely."  - The Power of Full Engagement

This is probably a good idea to guide me as I try to implement new web tools into my instruction this year.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Tech Plans for the Year

So after being quite overwhelmed by technology options for this school year (blogs, twitter, facebook, edmodo, voicethread, wallwisher, diigo, delicious, ning, wibiya, wikis, skype, flickr, youtube, google reader, google docs, wordle, prezi, symbaloo, prometheon, glogster, twiducate, etc.), I have come up with a plan.  Here are seven ways that I am going to try to bring my instruction into the 21st century:

1. Class blog (

a. I started this last year, did a good job until Thanksgiving and then never posted again. I hope to do better this year.

2. Twitter account (@rfgrasso)

a. This has been great to connect with other teachers. I may created an account that I use with the students.

3. Google Reader

a. I am now subscribed to around 10 educational blogs that I find very helpful.

4. Google Docs

a. I started to use google docs last year and would like to use it more this year.

5. Wallwisher (

a. This is a simple program where I post a question on the site and the students post a response that appears almost like a post-it note on the site.

6. Edmodo (

a. This is a site that looks similar to facebook but it is geared towards education and would only be accessible by the students. I haven’t figured out exactly how I plan to use it but I want to try to tap into the students fascination with social media in a way that supports my curriculum.

7. Glogster (

a. I have to learn how to use this site but basically it replaces the old fashioned poster board displays with a poster designed online with links, videos, pictures, etc.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Web 2.0

It has been an interesting month of professional development for me. One of my goals this summer was to spend some time learning how to better integrate technology into my classroom instruction. I was more or less pleased with my first year teaching 8th grade U.S. History but my instruction was extremely traditional. Little did I know just how many technology options there are. The experienced teachers who have been using web 2.0 tools for a while seem so comfortable with everything but for rookies, it's a bit overwhelming.

The best plan seems to be to start slow and build. I am happy to have this blog up and running again and I know that I will do a better job with the blog this year. Being on Twitter has been great. I have learned so much from the amazing educators that I am following. I am also slowly building up my own following (only 45 followers so far).

I am also on Google Reader and have subscribed to around ten interesting blogs which have also been very helpful. The next plan is to choose a couple of web 2.0 tools to try out this school year. That will be the topic of my next post. If anyone is actually reading this, I would love suggestions. Edmodo, voicethread, glogster, and wallwisher are possibilites.